Language settings and location choice

Ultima modifica

The Doctolib mobile app for patients is multi-lingual and can be used in different countries. So you can benefit from its usage, even if you are abroad. Please find helpful articles and FAQs in English in this dedicated section.

Essential information

  • You will be asked once for your preferred country of usage, but you can always change it afterwards
  • If you already have a Doctolib account, you can even use it in other countries, your appointment history will be logged
  • Doctolib is operating in three European countries:
    • France
    • Italy
    • Germany
  • Once you´ve chosen a country, you can only book appointments there

Define my location of usage

If you want to use Doctolib in another country, you can define this in the Doctolib mobile App anytime, to find local HCPs and healthcare establishments.

  1. Open Doctolib mobile App
  2. Tap on Account Name=user-gear.png on the bottom right corner
  3. Scroll down to the section Settings and tap on Country
  4. Choose the country where you want to use Doctolib
  5. Tap on the dedicated button to confirm

The country has been changed successfully, you will be logged-out automatically. You can now log-in again or create an account, if you don´t have it yet.


Available languages and how to choose it

You can define the language in your Doctolib mobile App, according to your preferation.

  1. Open Doctolib mobile App
  2. Tap on Account Name=user-gear.png on the bottom right corner
  3. Scroll down to the section Settings and tap on Language
  4. Choose the language where you want to use Doctolib
  5. Tap on the dedicated button to confirm

Please note

  • The Doctolib mobile App is available in:
    • English, French, Italian, German
  • All standardized content information from the specific country will be shown in your chosen language
  • Language-settings, if you are logged-out on Doctolib on your device:
    • Mobile App: automatic selection, based on the language of your device. If this language is not supported by the product (ex: Turkish), it will be displayed in English
    • Browser-website (Desktop & mobile web): language is associated to the chosen country domain (ex: .it = Italian)
      • In both cases, you will be able to manually update the language in the Settings section, or from the footer of the website
      • Every time you change the language, this choice is saved on your device to keep it for future navigations
  • Language-settings, if you are logged-in to Doctolib on your device:
    • app & website content and notifications will be displayed according to the chosen language from your account settings
    • when creating a new account, we will adapt the preferred language of your account as per the language you were using being logged out


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