I want to cancel my appointment

Dernière modification le

We invite you to follow the steps explained after in order to cancel an appointment.

To remember

If you cannot attend your appointment, we encourage you to cancel or move it as soon as possible so that another patient can book the free time. The cancellation deadlines are:

  • Are set up by the practitioner;
  • May vary between 30 minutes and 16 hours before the appointment;
  • May vary from one reason of visit to another.

If the cancellation deadline is exceeded, it is essential to contact the practice by phone so that the appointment can be canceled by your practitioner or a member of the practice.

Cancel an appointment from my Doctolib account

To cancel an appointment from your Doctolib account, the practitioner must have enabled online booking. The information is available on the practitioner’s Doctolib profile. If not, please follow the steps in "Cancel an appointment taken by the practice".

  1. Log in to your Doctolib account
  2. Click on Name=calendar-day.png Appointments
  3. Make sure to be in the Upcoming section
  4. Click on the appointment you wish to delete and click on Name=calendar-xmark.png Cancel appointment
  5. If you cancel an appointment that is less than 48 hours away, click Continue or keep the appointment, otherwise convert it to a video consultation.
  6. Select a reason in the corresponding dropdown menu
  7. If necessary, type the details of the reason 
  8. Click on Confirm cancellation

Your appointment is cancelled, you will receive an e-mail confirming the cancellation of your appointment.

Cancel an appointment from the e-mail or SMS of confirmation or reminder
  1. Open the email or SMS
  2. Click on Cancel appointment and follow the same procedure as explained above

Your appointment is cancelled, you will receive an e-mail confirming the cancellation of your appointment.

I can't cancel my appointment, why?

If you can't cancel your appointment, it means that you have exceeded the limit set up by your practitioner. In that case, we invite you to contact the practice by phone.

Cancel an appointment taken by the practice

If you have booked an appointment directly with the practice and do not yet have a Doctolib account, or the appointment is not associated with your existing account, You can cancel your appointment:

  • By phone, by calling the practice;
    • If the practice doesn't answer on the first try, we invite you to try again.
  • From the appointment confirmation/reminder e-mail
    • This applies only if the practitioner has entered your e-mail address in its patient base.
  • From the SMS reminder received between 24 hours to 48 hours before the appointment
    • This applies only if the practitioner has entered your phone number in its patient base.
Inform the practitioner of the reason for cancelling the appointment

From now on, when a patient wishes to cancel an appointment, he or she must indicate the reason for the cancellation in order to be more accountable to the practitioner. The aim here is to keep missed appointments to a minimum, i.e. appointments for which patients fail to show up for an appointment without having cancelled it, or too late, thus preventing the practitioner from renewing the slot.

Leave your practitioner a personalized message: do's and don'ts!

The purpose of this text field is to give the patient the opportunity to leave a message for the practitioner explaining in more detail why the appointment had to be cancelled. Please do not :

  • Enter information about your health or that of your relatives in this text field, as this information is sensitive according to data protection regulations;
  • Enter insulting or defamatory comments, or any other illegal content.
    • It is essential to remain courteous and neutral at all times;
  • Use this area to submit requests to your practitioner: prescription renewal, question about a health symptom...
    • If you need specific information, please call the office, use the “patient request” function if activated by your practitioner, or book a new appointment;
  • Use this box to ask your practitioner to contact you urgently, or to indicate that you are not feeling well (physically or mentally).
    • In an emergency, or if you need any assistance, please call 112 or the local number applicable in your country.

Neither Doctolib nor your practitioner can be held responsible for any misuse of this function.

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