Activate my geolocation for online booking

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In the search results for appointments, you have the option of displaying an overview map, which does show you the distance to potential healthcare professionals.


To use the full search results list, with all its service and features, you need to:

  • activate geolocation
  • agree to the processing of data to view the full map


Consent to display the full map of your location

The area map can be displayed once you have searched for visit motive or a specialty via the search function. Your consent is obligatory, so the map with the locations of available healthcare professionals is displayed.

Consent on mobile device Consent on Desktop/Browser
  1. In the list of search results, tap on See Map in the top right corner
  2. You will now see the hidden map and further information
  3. Tap Show Map
  4. You will now see your surroundings with markers for available healthcare professionals

Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-16 um 12.23.06.png


Activate my geolocation

Enable on mobile device Enable on Desktop/Browser
During your search for a symptom, visit motive or specialty, you´ll see the Name=location-arrow.png geolocation item in the search bar. Click on it, to open a pop-up, which does allow to consent to the geolocation. As this must be activated for your device, to use this functionality.


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